
Our Volunteers make this event possible. We’re always looking for Race Officials to help with the staging of the Simpson Desert Bike Challenge. Roles include – medics, water stop, timing, course marking, convoy management and sweep. Join our team of enthusiastic volunteers and enjoy the camaraderie of being a part of this amazing event.

Position Descriptions & Guidance Notes for Officials

The Simpson Desert Bike Challenge is a 500km race that begins in Purni Bore, SA and finishes at the Birdsville Hotel in Queensland. It can involve up to 160 participants (up to 40 riders, support crews and officials. Maximum numbers may reduce, depending on the course difficulty). Temperatures ranging from 5 degrees up to 45 degrees combined with mild to strong wind conditions should be expected.

The event is staffed by volunteer officials, most having several years’ involvement with the race and a passion for the outback.

Time Zone:
The event is run on Australian Central Standard Time (ACST).

Summary of Roles

Race Director

The Race Director is the primary representative of the Desert Challenge Inc. Committee for the event and as head of the race crew, has ultimate responsibility for the operation of the race. Their role involves overseeing the running of the event ensuring the safety of all participants. This role will involve decision making and organisational skills.

This role is appointed by the Desert Challenge Committee.

Time Keeper

The Time Keeper has ultimate responsibility for recording stage times and overall placing in the race. The role involves collection of rider registrations, establishing the start and finish lines for each stage, recording of rider times and the determination of overall placements for the race. This role will involve decision making and organisational skills.

Course Marker

The Course Marker has ultimate responsibility for marking the course and recording distances. The role involves development and maintenance of the route details, marking the track and locating the predetermined water stop & medical team locations and stage finishes (lunch and night stops). This role requires a driver with excellent 4WD skills and will involve decision making and organisational skills.

(Note: The position of Course Marker may be merged with another position depending on rider numbers.)

Medical Team

Note – the Medical Director and the Medical Supervisor position may be the same person.

Medical Director

The Medical Director has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that medical support is available for the race. Their role involves recruiting and briefing appropriately trained medical crews, and particularly the Medical Supervisor, and the preparation/review of medical management information, systems and items. This role will involve specialised decision making and organisational skills. The Medical Director will not necessarily attend the event each year.

Previous experience working in a sporting event.
Ability to work in extreme and varied conditions.
Ability to work closely with athletes and paramedics.
Good knowledge of the medical issues of endurance athletes competing in extreme environments
Knowledge of Royal Flying Doctor processes and procedures

Medical Team Member’s Position Description

The original Bum Doctors. Dr John (left) with Dr Ian Bowmaker 2001
The original Bum Doctors. Dr John (left) with Dr Ian Bowmaker 2001

Note: The medical team at the event will consist of at least one doctor (Medical Supervisor) and a minimum of two assistants comprised of any combination of doctors, nurses and/or qualified first aiders.

Position Summary:

The Medical Team are responsible for monitoring the general health and welfare of all participants during the race. Their role involves monitoring the condition of riders, supplying general health advice and treatment of injuries. This role will involve decision making and organisational skills.

This is a volunteer role; all reasonable expenses incurred will be reimbursed (subject to ratification by the Committee). Must have access to a 4-wheel drive for the duration of the race. Medical Personnel are expected to be accompanied by a support driver. At least one person per vehicle must be capable of driving a 4-wheel drive in Desert conditions. All 4-wheel drives must be suitable for desert driving and be equipped with a UHF radio.

Ability to work in extreme and varied conditions.
Ability to work closely with athletes and other medical personnel.
Understanding of common endurance sports medical conditions such as dehydration, hypo/hyperthermia and soft tissue injuries.


Water-Stop Coordinator

NOTE: This position is optional and will only be used if there are sufficient riders to warrant it otherwise the Race Director shall assume responsibility for the Water Stop coordination.

The Water-Stop Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the Water-Stop crews are organised to meet the needs of the riders. Their role involves coordination of the Water-Stop crews, checking water bottles are delivered to the Water-Stops before the start of each stage and assisting Water-Stop crews when required. This role will involve decision making and organisational skills.


The Water-Stop is responsible for ensuring water is available for collection by each rider. Their role involves checking water bottles are delivered to the Water-Stops before the start of each stage and the establishment of the Water-Stop at the point indicated by the Course Marker. This role will involve decision making and organisational skills.


The Sweep is responsible for ensuring race start and closure of the stage at the required time. Their role involves leading the rear convoy, maintaining race speed, Sweeping of slow riders and the recording of Sweep times and distances. This role will involve decision making and organisational skills.

Tail End Charlie

Tail End Charlie is responsible for managing the rear of the convoy and ensuring all vehicle reach the end of each stage. Whilst Sweep’s focus is the riders. Tail End Charlie’s focus is the cars. In addition Tail End Charlie is accountable for the collection of all race course markings and signage. Skills include sand driving and snatching experience to help at back of convoy. We would prefer an experienced driver as ‘Tail end Charlie’.

Event Videographer

The Event Videographer is responsible for capturing footage to create race promotional material and social media content. Drone permits are preferred. The role involves work both at the race and post-race to produce the final video and share materials with the Social Media Officer to enable ongoing promotions. May work as a team with a drone operator and driver.

Event Social Media

With the advent of Starlink the race has the opportunity to put out live updates. This person’s role is filming interviews, finishes and other social media appropriate photos and updates to publish to socials. If Starlink is unavailable, they will work with Base Camp on any updates and may ask for support for more detailed updates, noting Base Camp’s primary role and focus is to manage event risks. In the event of an issue at the race, this role is superseded by Base Camp and will immediately cease all content distribution.

Base Camp

This role is not at the event and rather the position at home that is contact with the Race Director. The primary role is as part of the risk management to support the race in the event of any issues. It is also the primary point of contact for families and others who need to get in touch with those at the event. This role is appointed by the SDBC Race Committee.

SDBC2024: 1 October to 5 October 2024